Wobbly circle

Wobbly loves getting emails!

You can get in touch with WobblingPen using the contact form below, or by emailing us at [email protected]

We would love to hear from you, whether you have some feedback about our stories, would like to order a CD or would like to book a storytelling session.  Don't be shy, give us a try!

We are mainly based in London and the South, but may be able to travel further upon request.

Contact WobblingPen

WobblingPen followers on Facebook!

Thank you so much to all of you out there who have liked us on Facebook. Our Facebook page is where you can keep as up to date as possible with our up-coming events and our latest poems and stories. We would love it if you joined the WobblingPen community on Facebook and shared it with your friends- we look forward to seeing you!


wow from WobblingPen